Watch and Download Full Movie The Invisible Guest (2017)

The Invisible Guest (2017)

Director : Oriol Paulo.
Writer : Oriol Paulo.
Release : January 6, 2017
Country : Spain.
Production Company : Televisió de Catalunya TV3, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA), Think Studio, Nostromo Pictures, Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC), Colosé Producciones, movistar+, Habitación Cerrada, La.
Language : Español.
Runtime : 106 min.
Genre : Mystery, Crime, Thriller.

‘The Invisible Guest’ is a movie genre Mystery, was released in January 6, 2017. Oriol Paulo was directed this movie and starring by Mario Casas. This movie tell story about “The Invisible Guest” turns on a young businessman who wakes up in a hotel room locked from the inside with the dead body of his lover next to him. He hires a prestigious lawyer, and over one night they work together to clarify what happened in a frenetic race against time.

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